Use this para­graph to describe what your free thing does to help peo­ple solve a pro­blem that they are having.

The solu­tion to your problem

Short line to tell peo­ple that they will receive your free thing and why they will bene­fit from having it.


  • This thing is included
  • This thing is included
  • This thing is included

“We have seen a huge spike in enga­ge­ment and grown our audience.”


I’m Nova & I’m pas­sio­nate about this thing.

Use this space to intro­duce yours­elf and share your jour­ney. Tell your rea­der how you were also in the same posi­tion as them, and what you did about it – was there a moment that you sud­denly rea­li­sed what you nee­ded to do?

Describe the suc­cess you achie­ved by doing x. Don’t be shy to share any mista­kes you made along the way. Tell them how you wouldn’t have achie­ved that suc­cess if you hadn’t fol­lo­wed the steps that your pro­duct / ser­vice offers.

High­light that you are the expert in your field, and pas­sio­nate about hel­ping them achieve the results they want.